I started this painting with physical movement, and making marks with a variety of pencils and water based oil pastels. Each step led me to the next move, like stepping stones. Much of the center was covered over with whites leaving the first layers showing through. Then more marks were added to give a dimensional feeling.
What usually happens when I paint this way, the meaning of the work comes after I finish it. This was about how I feel on autumn days when the wind is blustery and I feel that I'm being blown around by it.
It is joyful to feel the interaction with nature with the welcome change in seasons. I so look forward to this experience after such a long hot summer! It may mean entirely different things to different viewers. After asking lots of people how a painting makes them feel, it seems the paintings are like mirrors that reflect the state of the viewer. All responses are valid, seen in this light.
See more of Lesta's art on Instagram.