San Antonio artist Lesta Frank has worked in multiple media over the years. She also teaches classes in her home studio.

Jane Gennarelli is co-editor of LNF Weekly. She also edits the Lavaca & Friends weekly arts and entertainment newsletter.
Voices in this issue
These are the people whose writing or artwork appears in the current issue of LNF Weekly. Click a name to read more about that person.
All our voices
These are people whose work has appeared recently in LNF Weekly or will appear soon. Click a name to read more about that person.
LNF Weekly is intended to be a place where neighbors speak to — and listen to — their neighbors. Where information important to the neighborhood is presented and discussed. The two of us who have built LNF Weekly, Jane Gennarelli and Jim Feuerstein, recognize that we don’t know everything about the neighborhood. There are people we know, organizations we know, little micro-neighborhoods we know, facts we know. But our knowledge and our viewpoints are necessarily limited. We therefore want to add more voices to LNF Weekly; people who know things we don’t know; people who have viewpoints that are different than ours. If you’d like to be one of our voices, if you know a subject or a ‘micro-neighborhood’ or have a particular expertise that you’re willing to share, let us know. Or if there’s something we should be talking about that we’re not, let us know, and maybe we can dig up a voice to speak about that topic. Meanwhile, here are our current voices. We thank them all for taking the time to talk to their neighbors through LNF Weekly.