Nancy Diehl
Nancy Diehl serves on the board and is a co-founder of the Cannoli Fund, a local non-profit that cares for dogs and cats in need of help in the King William and Lavaca neighborhoods.
Nancy Diehl is one of the co-founders of The Cannoli Fund, a neighborhood non-profit that provides support for animals-in-need within the Lavaca and King William neighborhoods.
The Cannoli Fund works with neighbors to control the feral cat population by providing funds for neutering strays; helps fund medical treatment for homeless dogs and cats; and provides food to families having difficulty affording adequate food for their pets.
In addition to serving on the board of the Fund, Nancy is personally active in the organization's work. She jokingly describes herself as the Fund’s ‘head trapper’ of feral cats.
Professionally, Nancy’s background is in writing and editing. She spent fifteen years with ‘Our Kids’ magazine, most of that time as editor-in-chief for editions of the magazine in four cities, including here in San Antonio. She also worked for more than three years handling public relations for the San Antonio Symphony.
While she still does occasional freelance editing work, Nancy now devotes most of her time to the Fund.
Visit the Cannoli Fund's website.